Thursday, April 17, 2008

Old Maids & Dinnertime Poops

So...for all of you that have asked me to blog are a few of the reasons that I love my life, my kids and have found that laughter is the BEST medicine!

**There we are, in my kitchen the other night, doing the usual...homework and making dinner. Sam is playing with Tessie when she decides she needs to pooh. Being the good dog that she is, she goes to her "potty mat" and goes pooh...a good sized one at that...and it smells up the whole kitchen. It was so bad...the Sam gagged (or "gaggled" as he would say) and threw up, right there on the floor. I couldn't help but die laughing.

**Yet another "Dinnertime Pooh Story"...last night I was making dinner and the kids were out of control hyper, so I asked them to go downstairs to play. Hailey came running up to use the bathroom and was in there for a few minutes before Sam goes blowing through the door with Tessie's tennis ball. As all little brothers do, they like to bug their sisters...right? As Hailey gets up to wipe her "poopy bum", Sam decides it's a good idea to throw the tennis ball against the wall. It lands in the pooh water...he grabs it out and drops it on the floor, Hailey is standing there with her tights around her ankles, her dress held up as she tries to wipe and Sam has this horrified look on his face. I go in there to see what all the commotion is. Sam is quick to say "I'm sorry, Mommy"...I calmly clean up the mess and walk out...he askes me..."Mom...why aren't you mad?" I just couldn't be mad at the whole was priceless...again...I left in tears of laughter. What a blessing being a "mommy" is!

**My brother got married in March, and Hailey was one of the little "Flower Girls". I was getting her ready, putting her black tights on with her black and white dress (which was so dang cute) when she blurts out "Mom, I look like one of those ladies that comes to clean your know?" and after a few moments of silence, she says "A maid, momma, a maid...that's what I look like!!" How in the world did she come up with that?? LOL!

**Tessie was laying down this morning, chewing on her bone and her legs and tail are all flat out on the floor (her tail is usually curled up) when Sam comes running into the bathroom asking me to come see her. He has the most concerned look on his face. I go in and say "oh how cute, buddy" (not knowing what he's so upset about) when he interrupts me and says "Momma, her tail power is broken". He was so sad because he thought her tail was broken since it didn't curl up!! :)


Keeping up with the Joneses said...

I'm soooo glad you have a blog! I love to "peek" into peoples lives. It's a great way to keep in touch! Your stories are so dang cute! You kids are too much. Love them. I'm adding you to my list, so I can check in on you once in a while! :)

cheree said...

I am so glad you found me! love your poop stories, they're the best! Kids definetly keep your life interesting!! I can't wait to see you next week!

Sum & Ben said...

Your little Hailey is getting to be such a beauty!! She has always been so cute, but I haven't seen her in a while!!! She is beautiful! And Sam is a stud as always! Can't wait to play, call me soon....

Kimberly J. said...

HA HA HA...I seriously just spit out my sandwich reading about Tessie poopin' in the kitchen and Sam pukin! Man, that is good stuff Ash!!!

Sum & Ben said...

Time for a new post!! I keep checkin ya!! Call me soon! Hope that all is well with you!!

Caprice Erickson said...

Yeah Sis!!! I am so glad you have a blog now... I can see what your little buddies are up to :) you coming to bunco this mo? Luvs